Introduction to Chinese Culture – Red Scarf Girl

In ELA, we will be starting a new novel soon (likely next week) called Red Scarf Girl. The book is a memoir about a young girl’s experience in China during cultural revolution. In preparation, students spent some time today and yesterday examining books about...

A Little Bit of R and R

We hope you’ve been able to catch up on some rest and relaxation over this long week-end. With our crazy schedules, sometimes it’s nice to stop and catch our breath every once in a while! Now we are looking forward to a short, but exciting, week!!...

Newsletter, Feb. 19, 2017

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter February 19, 2017   Reading   We have almost finished reading The Last Voyage of the Griffon by Wendy Caszatt-Allen.  The students asked questions while they read, learned new vocabulary words, visualized what they read, and summarized...

Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

Happy Long Weekend to You All! We had another fun and education filled week in Ms. Hahn’s class this week. I didn’t take as many pictures this week as I usually do, but please enjoy the ones I did get. Reading class has found the group racing to finish...