Chipotle Lunch

Student council is excited to announce CHIPOTLE FRIDAY! Once a month, students in the Carson building will have the opportunity to order a veggie, chicken OR steak soft taco from Chipotle. Veggie and chicken tacos will cost $2.50 and the steak will cost $2.75, and...

Winter Luncheon

Next Friday, December 19th, the 7th and 8th grade will have their annual Winter luncheon from Puerto Acapulco in Grayslake.   If your student would like to participate, please send cash or check in the amount of $9 (checks made out to PCCS) no later than Monday...

Winter Dance

Please click HERE to sign up to provide refreshments for the Winter Dance on Friday, December 12th.  If you would like to help with set-up or clean-up, please contact Jill Kosikowski at I greatly appreciate your help in providing treats for the...