Parent Staff Organization (PSO)
Partnering with Parents is a core value and integral to our school’s success. Starting with the Welcome Back Picnic and continuing throughout the school year, the PSO sponsors events and organizes activities aimed at providing staff and families opportunities to work together and enrich our students’ school experience.

Mission Statement
All PCCS parents and staff are members of the Parent Staff Organization. We foster community and support the school to fulfill the mission and vision of PCCS. We achieve this through communication, coordination of volunteers, school community development and financial means. The PSO is all about encouraging a sense of commitment to each other in order to make our school a healthy community and to help us all understand who we are and our uniqueness as a charter school with an integrated environmental curriculum.
To learn more about our teams contact one of the PSO Officers:
Katie Brzezinski – President Contact Katie
Kristin Graham- Vice President Contact Becky
Lauren Adams– Treasurer Contact Laura
Rebecca Daughtery– Recording Secretary Contact Rebecca
PSO Teams We achieve these goals through our teams, which are made up of parents and staff as well as through various grant and scholarship programs.
- The Internal Communication Team oversees the PSO Newsletter and the PCCS/PSO Facebook group.
Coordination of Volunteers
- The Volunteer Support Team coordinates and communicates with on-going volunteers that help with daily school functions such as lunch/recess help, morning greeters and in-class needs.
School Community Development
- The Community Care Team is the team that organizes welcoming families that are new to our school and providing our staff with some of those extra things that show we value them. Examples of this are the New Parent Mentoring Team, Lounge Angels and the Staff Luncheon Team.
- The Programming Team will work on planning programs, from guest lecturers to social events for families.
Financial Means
- The Annual Fundraising Team will organize our fundraising efforts that happen once a year such as the Holiday Bazaar and others soon to be announced.
- The On-Going Fundraising Team will coordinate our on-going fundraisers such as Box Tops and S
Useful Links
PSO Mini Grants Program
Through the hard work of our PSO, we are proud to announce a new PCCS is continuing the Mini Grants Program. This program is designed to offer financial assistance for families in their time of utmost need.
The program supports the schools pillar of Partnering with Parents by offering assistance to families to help enhance and enrich student learning and experiences while building our PCCS community.
Our dedicated PSO has generously donated 100% of the funding for this program from revenue that has been generated through our community’s support of their programs like SCRIP, Golf Outings, Harvest Fests, Pizza Fridays, Restaurant Nights Out and more. As our families support these efforts for the sake of building community and raising school spirit, you are also generating income that allow for programs like the Mini Grants to happen.
Please click on the link below to review the process and to submit your application for consideration.
PSO Fundraisers & Volunteer Opportunities
Box Tops for Education
Simply clip the Box Tops “coupon” from the packages of products you normally buy, attach them to a Box Tops collection sheet and send them in. For every Box Top collected, PCCS receives 10 cents. Click HERE for the Box Tops collections sheet.
Holiday Bazaar
Every year in December, families are asked to send in gently used items to be used as “stock” for our very own boutique which is set up in the gym. Children are then able to shop for family members with all items costing $1. The gifts are then wrapped by our bevy of “elves” and helpers. Not only is this a great way to practice our mission of reusing but it is an event that for many students is one of the highlights of the year. Many families set aside a box in their garage or basement to collect items throughout the year that would be appropriate to donate to the Holiday Bazaar.
Do YOU have an idea for a fundraiser? Click HERE to share your ideas!
PSO Calendar