October's Green Challenge — Eat Real!

Eat Real will bring some very exciting learning opportunities to PCCS.  Real food is food that truly nourishes producers, consumers, communities and the earth (Real Food Challenge).  This month, students will be learning about the benefits — nutritional, environmental, and economic — of eating and cooking with whole, unprocessed foods.We have several activities planned this month:

October 3rd-21stFood Drive (see below)
October 4th at 8:15am–Green Challenge Assembly (Guest speakers Matt Peterson and Alison Parker will speak to students about real foods from diverse perspectives.)
October 12thFarm to Table will feature potatoes and spaghetti squash grown by the 7th and 8th grades and cooked by parent chefs!
October 24-26–Feed Your Family Shopping Activity. We will be setting up a realistic store in the Barn.  Students will be able to visit the store to experience age-appropriate shopping simulations, comparing prices, ingredients, nutritional benefits and other aspects of different food choices.
October 25–All School apple activity in celebration of Food Day. Classrooms will be taking part in other, individual activities throughout the month, as well.
In order to set up our store, we need YOU, the PCCS community, to help us by donating to our Food Drive. We are asking for donations of food for our local township food pantries. During the month of October, we will collect canned and packaged food items and paper products for those in need. See HERE for a list of items that are greatly in need. Donations can be dropped off during morning carpool and in the bins outside the school office. Thank you for helping!