Scholastic Book Fair Online Sale
If you didn't have a chance to visit the Scholastic Book Fair, you can still order books online through December 1st!
Congratulations to our Kindergarten through 4th graders on a Successful Harvest Festival
Our gym was packed to standing-room-only capacity on Wednesday night to watch our students in action--singing, dancing, showing off their artistic talents--at our Harvest Festival. Thank you to all of our parents who supported this event by coming and to our teachers...
Conferences are Coming!
Parents, please check your child's classroom newsletter this weekend to learn how you can schedule your parent-teacher conference. Conferences are a wonderful opportunity to learn more about what is happening in the classroom and see how your child is progressing...
Announcement: Board Openings
As a result of the completion of terms of three current Prairie Crossing Charter School Directors, PCCS is seeking three Candidates to serve as members of its Boardof Directors.
Parent-Elect Election Committee Meeting Rescheduled from 9/22/14 to 9/25/14 @ 3:30 pm.
Kennicott Building - Teachers' Lounge