by PCCSAdmin | Aug 24, 2015 | Parent Portal, Post
We hope your children enjoyed learning about band this morning at the Band Assembly–ask them about it! They also had the opportunity to try out some different instruments. There is a parent information night about Band on Thursday night at 7pm. Hope to see you...
by PCCSAdmin | Aug 19, 2015 | Parent Portal, Post
5th-8th Grade Families: If your child is interested in fall sports at PCCS, we have a few announcements. Cross Country practice begins tomorrow, Thursday, after school. Soccer tryouts begin tomorrow,Thursday, and continue on Friday after school both days. Please...
by PCCSAdmin | Aug 18, 2015 | Parent Portal, Post
Opening for PCCS Board of Directors Position Dear PCCS Parents, The PCCS Board of Directors is comprised of nine individuals, each holding a 3-year elected or appointed position on the board. Every year, three Board positions become eligible for replacement. The...
by PCCSAdmin | Aug 17, 2015 | Parent Portal, Post
Welcome back, PCCS students and parents! Thank you for joining us at our traditional bell ringing assembly this morning!
by PCCSAdmin | Aug 17, 2015 | Parent Portal, Post
What a difference a week makes!
by Janette Siegel | Aug 12, 2015 | Parent Portal, Post
We are so excited to start the 2015-2016 school year. The Welcome Back Picnic is always such a wonderful gathering. We look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday night!! Please see the Flyer for details about the event. ...