Welcome to Our New Website!

We hope you find this site easier to navigate, more user-friendly, and full of information about PCCS!  We appreciate your patience as we continue to fine tune the site over the next few months. Although we have tried to eliminate as many issues as we could have...

A Thanksgiving Message from All of Us!

We want you to know that we are thankful that you choose to send your children to PCCS. This community is a very special place, and each and every member helps to make it a supportive learning environment.  In this season of gratitude, we pause to take a few moments...

#GivingTuesday, December 2, 2014 for PCCS

Prairie Crossing Charter School provides a personalized education where children learn the value of community and the environment. Please support PCCS Create Natural Leaders. Join the #GivingTuesday movement on December 2, 2014. Make a donation to Prairie Crossing...

Conferences are Coming!

Parents, please check your child’s classroom newsletter this weekend to learn how you can schedule your parent-teacher conference. Conferences are a wonderful opportunity to learn more about what is happening in the classroom and see how your child is...