5 Essentials Survey Now Available - Prairie Crossing Charter School

5 Essentials Survey Now Available

Beginning today, parents, teachers, and 6th-8th grade students will again be asked to participate in the the 5Essentials survey. As a parent of a child at PCCS, you have a unique opportunity to take part in this survey, which will allow you to share your opinions and perspective about PCCS. We guarantee that survey responses will NEVER be connected to you or your child. School reports will only present summary information of how parents responded as a whole. Your participation in the Illinois 5Essentials Survey will help to understand your child’s school and guide improvement. Click HERE to begin the survey.

If your child is in 6th-8th grade and you do NOT want him/her to complete the student survey, click here for a form that will allow you to opt-out. Once complete, forward that signed form to Kathleen Lynch. All students who have not opted-out will be taking the survey at school beginning the week of February 23rd.

For more information about the Illinois 5Essentials Survey, or to view sample school reports, please visit https://illinois.5-essentials.org.