Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
Feb. 22, 2021
Hybrid Information
The new hybrid schedule began Monday, Feb. 8th. Hybrid Schedule If your child is in the A group, he/she follows the A schedule when at home and in person. The students who are in the B group follow the B schedule. All students will be on the same schedule whether remote or in person. As we adjust to the new schedule, we may have bumps in the road. We will all figure out the new schedule together.
In-person students should arrive between 7:40 and 8:00. Remember that drop off in the morning is very long. It can be from the Carson (5-8) building to in front of the gym. There is no morning recess. Please have your child head to the door nearest the playground. Carpool begins at 3:00. Carpool will be in front of the gym like typical years.
Whether you are working at school or remotely, a list of daily supplies can be found at this link. Daily Material List In person students will need to bring a lunch, a water bottle, winter gear, and 2 masks daily. There will be no microwaves available for students and no snack time.
Students who are remote, should log into zoom at 8:00. The students in the classroom will have zoom projected on the screen when it is needed. There may be times students use their computers to log into zoom at school to work with small groups. In person students will also use their computer for some assignments.
There may be times that the classroom needs to be cleaned. The in persons students will be relocated while the cleaning happens. The students on Zoom may have a slight disruption in instructional time as we move locations.
Next week we will be doing sort 29. Students will have assignments on Google Classroom to do with their spelling words. Please remind your child to study the words for the test on Friday.
The red and blue reading groups have finished their books and almost finished their book projects. These groups will begin a new reading assignment next week. The yellow group will continue reading their book this week and possibly finish the book.
Students are enjoying the fractured fairy tales we are listening to during reading. This will help students when they are writing their fractured fairy this coming week.
Even though it was a short week we still had a lot of great writing lessons. The students had time to research the forest habitat. Then we had a lesson with Ms. Rompella about fractured fairy tales. Friday students compared their backyard with their assigned habitat. Next week we will have two lessons with Ms. Rompella and begin writing fractured fairy tales.
Students spent time solving multiplication and division story problems. During number corner, we had to find the area and perimeter of different sized rectangles. Next week we will continue learning more about multiplication and division. This is a good time of the year to spend time daily memorizing multiplication facts.
We had time to learn more about minerals and how to identify minerals. Naomi continued her lesson about the rock cycle. Next week we will review concepts about rock, sand, and soil. Naomi will teach us about fossils.
Wednesday 2:20
This week we will use this time to work on student-led conferences. Please have them log back onto zoom for support.
Upcoming Dates
- Friday, February 19, 2021 – Materials Pick-Up
- Friday, February 26, 2021 – End of Second Trimester-Early Release
- Friday, March 5, 2021-Materials Pick Up
Important Links