Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
September 3, 2015
This past week the students learned about place value up large numbers and decimals. We learned to identify the place value and write the standard form of numbers. The students also practiced rounding numbers. Next week we will begin our unit on multiplication. The students will be reviewing multiplication learned in 3rd grade and starting to solve larger problems. The students will be taking the math NWEA test.
The students read two more chapters from Wayside School. The students compared the main character from Wayside School to the main character in The Bad Case of Stripes. We also compared the theme of two books. Next week we will be discussing character traits. I have almost completed my individual reading assessments. I am using Fountas and Pinnell to determine reading levels. You can find out more about Fountas and Pinnell at
The students now have a login for google docs. This login only has google docs and search. It does not have email. I have set up google classroom for each student. They have now typed two different documents using google docs. The first document was a letter to you at curriculum night. The second document was a story based on a picture. Next week the students will write and informational writing piece.
We continued to learn about magnets this past week. The students learned about magnetic fields by looking at how iron filings made patterns when spread on magnets. On Friday the students made compasses using magnets. Next week we will finish our unit on magnets by learning more about compasses.
Wednesday we enjoyed quiet spots outside the middle school building. The students enjoyed seeing the different vegetables they are growing. A few students saw a hummingbird near some beautiful red flowers.
Green Challenge
In September, we will focus on properly disposing of our “stuff” when its useful life is over. It sounds simple,proper sorting can have a huge effect on our school’s environmental footprint. We hope you will join us as we embark on this green initiative! Look for at-home ideas in future newsletters.
Spelling/Word Work
At Prairie Crossing we use Words Their Way spelling program. Students are placed in spelling groups based on what spelling patterns they need to learn. It is common for students to repeat sorts especially at the beginning of the school year. Students have an explanation of the sorts glued into their spelling journals. Spelling journals should be kept in their binders everyday. We use the journals and words at school and their is spelling homework.
In my classroom all student have a clip on a behavior chart. During the day students can clip up or down based on behavior. The order of the colors from the bottom up are red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, purple, and dark blue. We follow the rules of safe, respectful, and responsible. If a your child is on green or higher at the end of the day at least 4 days, he/she will earn a reward for 10-15 minutes on Friday. All students earned about 15 minutes of recess on Friday at 3:00.
Academic Recess
Two days a week the third and fourth grade teachers host academic recess. Academic recess is used for students to catch up on missing or late work. The students will be staying inside from recess the whole time. Sometimes the teachers use this time to have students catch up on science experiments missed due to an absence. During academic recess the hosting teacher is available to answer questions about assignments.
Classroom Website
Please check the school website for updates and pictures throughout the school year. Mrs. Steinbeck and I will be posting the newsletters, classroom updates, pictures, and other important information. You can log on to the website using the following login and password:
Parent Portal Username: PCCSparent
Parent Portal Password: pccsgreen201516
Curriculum Night
I want to thank all the parents for coming to curriculum night. If were unable to attend, your child brought home a flier with the curriculum information. If you have further questions please contact me.
Upcoming Dates
9-7 No School
9-8 Green Assembly 8:15
9-8 NWEA reading
9-10 NWEA math
9-16 Early Release