Ms. Hahn’s Class Newsletter
September 3, 2018
This past week the students reviewed strategies for solving subtraction problems. They began work places. Work places in the Bridges math program are math games. This week they played a game like memory using addition. Next week the students will continue addition and subtraction. They will also be measuring in centimeters and inches with rulers. Please click HERE to read more about Bridges math. There are also a wide variety of computer games listed. If your child does not have addition and subtraction facts memorized please continue to work on that at home.
This past week began with learning about the adaptations of different prairie animals. The students had an animal card on their back and had to ask questions to figure out that animal. Partners researched a plant or animal from the prairie. They began drawing this for our prairie mural. We will finish this next week. We will also begin learning about the forest next week.
This week the students reviewed procedures for read to self and read to a partner. They started an interactive notebook for reading. The first page is about different genres of books. This lesson will be continued next week. I have started assessing students’ individual reading using an assessment called Fountas and Pinnell. This will help me determine your child’s reading level.
Friday the students started spelling groups. The students are expected to write one sentence for every word before Thursday. We give in-class time, but they should also do some at home. Look inside the cover of the spelling journal for an explanation of the spelling sorts.
During writing the students have done a beginning of the year writing assessment. They did a narrative and an opinion paper. I will use these to drive my writing instruction and show progress during the year. The students also learned how writers get ideas and started a jot page with their ideas. Next week the students will explore how to add sensory details to writing.
Please refer to the student handbook for the dress code. I have copied a list below.
Students shall:
- Show proper attention to personal cleanliness, neatness, and standards of dress for school;
- Wear clothing that is close to mid-thigh (teacher determined);
- Wear appropriate shoes for the day’s activity;
- Wear only clothing appropriate for indoors (no coats, jackets, hats gloves etc.)
- Remove sweatbands, caps, bandanas or any accessory made of bandana material, and sunglasses (without medical consent);
- Wear see through garments only if worn over something that appropriately covers all exposed areas;
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 3- No School
Wednesday, September 5- NWEA test
Friday, September 7- Natural Leader Assembly
Tuesday, September 11- Comstock Curriculum night
Wednesday, September 12- Farm to Table Lunch
Attendance/Spirit Week
Monday, September 10- Crazy Hat Day
Tuesday, September 11- Spirit Wear Day (Green and White)
Wednesday, September 12- PJ or sports wear Day
Thursday, September 13- Crazy Hair Day
Friday, September 14- Class Choice to be decided
A note from PE
Welcome new families and welcome back returning families! I am so glad to have students back for a new school year and excited for new activities this year. Mr. Flinn will be posting new activities and good information on Twitter to get information quickly to parents and families. All photos will coincide with the no photo list and will be school professional. You can follow him at @JFlinn9PE . He would like to get more parent involvement this year and the Gym doors will always be open so please message or email him and he will get back to you ASAP. Twitter will not replace the website and Mr. Flinn will still be writing posts on the website as well, it’s just an extra tool that he will be using.