Ms. Hahn’s Class Newsletter
September 23, 2018
The students have spent a lot of time solving addition and subtraction problems. The class discussed a variety of methods for solving problems. We spent a little time in class learning subtraction with regrouping. You could have your child watch THIS VIDEO. This is just one way the students can subtract. Next week the students will begin Unit 2 about multiplication. I will include a the Bridges newsletter with this newsletter. If your child does not have addition and subtraction facts memorized please continue to work on that at home.
The students were able to explore the woods despite the mosquitos. They saw a lot of interesting fungus and insects. Check out the pictures Mrs. Steinbeck posted. The students finished their study of the forest by creating a plant or animal for our mural in the hallway. This past week the students started learning about wetlands with Naomi by doing a pond sweep. The students caught a lot of interesting bugs and even a fish. Next week they will continue learning more about wetlands.
The students learned about different types of fiction and nonfiction. This past week I spent time reading Junkyard Wonders by Patricia Polacco. The students made predictions as I read and I modeled how reading is thinking. Next week I will read a variety of Folktales to the class. The students have started reading groups. During reading groups, small groups of students meet with the teacher to read together. The group learns new vocabulary words and answers comprehension questions. While the teacher is meeting with a group, the other children read to self, read to someone, or work on writing. Next week I hope to get the student working on the computer reading and listening to ebooks. Look for information coming home soon about this.
Students got a new list of spelling words on Friday. If your child is absent during the week, he/she will have extra time to complete the spelling assignments and take the test. Every Friday the students are given a test on 10 of their words. The last three words on the test are words that have the same spelling pattern but are not part of the sort. The students are expected to write one sentence for every word before Friday. We give in-class time, but they should also do some at home. Look inside the cover of the spelling journal for an explanation of the spelling sorts.
As the weather changes quickly in September, please help your child choose weather appropriate clothing for the morning and afternoon. We may go outside in the morning during the cool portion of the day or in the afternoon once it warms up. Students may want to keep a sweatshirt or light jacket at school.
Our Earthkeepers field trip is about one week away. Students need to be prepared to be outside all day. There is a lot of burs, so I recommend wearing jeans and no fleece. This is an amazing trip and I hope the weather forecast is good. I could use one parent per day to come to our Earthkeepers Field trip. Please let me know if you are available.
Mrs. Steinbeck has put some amazing pictures on the class webpage. Be sure to check it out and there might be a surprise for your child.
Upcoming Events
- 9/28/18 MPAC Potluck 5-7:30 pm
- 9/29/18 Greet Team Highway Clean-up 9-11 am
- 10/01/18 Earthkeepers Field Trip
- 10/02/18 Earthkeepers Field Trip
- 10/4/18 Early Release- Teacher Inservice
- 10/5/18 Teacher Inservice, No School
- 10/8/18 No School
- 10/10/18 Picture Retakes
- 10/15-10/19 Anti Bully Week