Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
October 30, 2022
We are finishing up Unit 2 in math. The students worked on solving a variety of problems related to multiplication. Last week the students made picture graphs and bar graphs. They answered questions about graphs and used multiplication to find answers. Next week we will have a test on Unit 2. The students will be bringing home a study guide on Monday. Our Unit 3 is also about multidigit addition and subtraction.
The class has been enjoying reading Chocolate Touch. They are learning new vocabulary words and answering questions about the reading. We will finish reading the book next week and begin a book project.
We finished fables by listening to The Tortoise and the Hare, The Red Hen, and The Grasshoppers and the Ants. The class also listened to a few books related to memories. They listened to My Rotten Red-Headed Older Brother and The Printer.
Students have been working on a personal narrative writing piece. They added details, made good word choices, changed the lead, and added quotes. Many students are surprised by how many ways we can improve our writing. We will finish up our writing pieces next week.
Science and Environmental Education
During science, the class learned more about wetlands. They learned adaptations of wetland plants and animals to help them survive in the wetland. They also learned ways humans can help or harm the wetlands. We ended our unit by creating a plant or animal for our pond in the hallway. Next week we will move on to learn about early Native Americans.
During EE time the students had time to experience a wetland with a lot of cattails. They also had phenology to record the changes in our environment.
Remind App and Communication
If you have not signed up for Remind, use this link. I often see these messages faster than an email.
Outdoor Clothing and Indoor Shoes
All students need to have indoor shoes at school. These can be your child’s PE shoes or another pair of shoes or slippers.
As the weather gets colder, please remind your child to dress for the weather. Students go outside unless it is below zero, pouring rain, or dangerous weather.
Please label all clothing and shoes with your child’s name.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, October 31, 2022- Halloween parade and party starting at 2:00
- Bring a plate and cup
- Sunday, November 6, 2022-Daylight Savings Time ends
- Tuesday, November 8, 2022-Election Day-No School
- Friday, November 11, 2022-End of First Trimester-Early Release
- Friday, November 18, 2022 – Fun Food Friday
- November 21-22 – Early Release – Conferences. Monday 1-7 pm – Tuesday 1-4 pm
Halloween will be celebrated on Monday. The students will bring their costumes to school. They will put it ON TOP of their clothes. There will be time before the 1st -4th-grade parade for them to put on. Please have costumes in a labeled bag.
If you are signed up to volunteer, please sign in at the office when you arrive. You make take your child with you after the party as long as you have signed your child out in the office.
Halloween Schedule:
Kindergarten Parade @ 8:00 in Market Square
1st -4th Parade @ 2:00
Parties @ 2:15
Halloween Costumes
Must follow these guidelines:
- No excessive violence is depicted by the costume
- No face masks or hoods which render students unrecognizable
- No “Creepy Clown” masks or “Creepy Clown” face paint
- No Weapons of any kind, real or toy.