Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
November 22, 2020
Monday and Tuesday
This week there will be a lot of asynchronous time for students do to their assignments. There will be lessons on Google Classroom to complete. We will still have our morning specials on Monday and Tuesday. Please log on to Zoom Monday at 8:00 and Tuesday at 8:30 for attendance. Students will be given time off Zoom to do work. Mrs. Steinbeck and I will leave zoom open to help students until 12:00. We will be taking our lunch break from 12:00 to 1:00 on Monday and Tuesday.
Zoom and 2nd Trimester Schedule
I have adjusted the schedule slightly for 2nd trimester. These changes reflect the breaks we were already taking, and I have added a few subjects. All students are expected to be with a teacher at 2:30. Hahn Schedule 2nd Trimester
Zoom Expectations
As we head into the second trimester, I want to review Zoom expectations. Students are expected to keep the camera on during zoom lessons. If there is a connection issue, please have your child send me a message in chat. The students should be visible during the lesson. We take breaks throughout the day, so there is no eating during lessons. Unless an adult tells them to leave Zoom, the children should stay until the end of class. If your child needs to leave a lesson early, please use the chat feature to let us know.
Students did list 20 last week. As part of grammar, the students had to write sentences with their spelling words. They are working on using a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and end punctuation. There will be no spelling this week. After Thanksgiving, the students will be doing sort 21
The students are now in reading groups. The groups read books at All groups were able to read a book about Food Chains that tied into our lesson with Naomi. On Friday all groups read about landforms on the same website. There will be no reading groups this coming week. After Thanksgiving, we will be using the reading packets sent home.
The student wrote the first draft of an informational writing piece, making a table of contents, and added details. After Thanksgiving, the students will continue to improve their writing.
Students solved subtraction problems. They used a number line in different ways. We did removal, count up, and constant difference. We also went over the standard subtraction algorithm. If your child does not know addition facts or subtraction facts quickly, please consider getting a set of flashcards or making flashcards to help them learn the facts. After Thanksgiving, we will continue addition and subtraction in Unit 3.
Science and Social Studies
The students learned about the Early people of Illinois. We studied the foods they ate, the homes they lived in, and the tools they used. The students took notes in their journals as we read about different Indian groups. Many students were fascinated with how Indians used almost every part of the buffalo. We will continue to learn more about Plains and Woodland Indians after Thanksgiving.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
In third grade, parent-teacher conferences are student attended. When you sign up for a time please choose a time that you and your child are available. I will be doing conferences via Zoom. You can find the link at the bottom of this newsletter. Many of you already signed up for conferences, but the link is below if you still need to sign up.
3rd Grade Report Cards
In third grade, the grades are all developmental. It is very common for students at the beginning of third grade to have many skills/standards that are still developing. This year is especially true with skills missed in the spring and e-learning. Below is the grading scale you will see on the report card.
Naomi Lesson
We had a lesson with Naomi that showed different food chains. The students used colored lines to show how plants and animals are connected to each other. On Friday we talked about ways to reduce our use of natural resources. The students need to pick two ways to reduce natural resources and do it for at least two weeks. On Monday, I will show them the record sheet for this assignment.
Upcoming Dates
- Materials Pick-Up Friday, December 11th
- Conferences: Monday, November 23, 2 – 7 pm, Tuesday, Nov. 24, 2-4 pm
- Wednesday, November 25-Friday, November 27, 2020 – Thanksgiving Break
- Thursday, December 17, 2020– December Natural Leader Assembly
Important Links