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Newsletter, November 11, 2018

Ms. Hahn’s Class Newsletter

November 11, 2018


The students have started the third unit in math about rounding, addition, and subtraction.  The students are learning different ways to show addition and subtraction on a number line. They are also learning the traditional or standard algorithm for solving multi-digit addition and subtraction.  During this unit, please continue to practice multiplication facts at home.

In social studies, we began learning about Native Americans that lived in Illinois.  They learned about Cahokia and how they traded with other tribes. The students role-played trading with another tribe that did not speak their language.  At the end of last week, we began learning about Woodland Indians. We will continue learning about Woodland Indians and then move on to learn about Plains Indians.

In reading the students continue to read Chocolate Touch.  Reading groups are having great discussions about the book and tying it to King Midas.  During whole group lessons, the students are learning to recount folktales. Last week the students listened to Rough Faced Girl.  Next week they will listen to Sootface: An Ojibwa Cinderella Story and compare it to Rough Faced Girl.

In writing the students finished their second true story.  Our guest author, Natalie Rompella, has been helping the students write and revise a fractured fairy tale.  All the students are writing a different version of The Three Little Pigs.  Their stories take place in the wetland, woodland, or prairie.  Next week the students will be making their final revisions and final book.

Now that the weather has changed, please send extra clothes to school that matches the season.  Often kids need an extra change of clothes due to mud or food spills. When it snows, students need snow pants and snow boots.  I often tell students that snow pants also keep you warm and dry when there is no snow.

The PCCS Green Team is excited to announce a star-studded evening at the Prairie Skies Star Party on Friday, December 7.  Join us at 5 pm for star-gazing, constellation stories by the fire, and cocoa to warm up. More details about this program, including registration information, are in this FLYER.  

I welcome parent volunteers.  Please remember to sign the Volunteer Form and sign in before coming to the classroom.  Also, all parents should have been invited to view the homework calendar.  You can view the calendar from your computer or phone with the Google calendar.

Also, the Green Team’s Fall Gazette is out.  Check it out here!


From Mrs. Steinbeck- Even More Other Things


Thank you to those who sent in whiteboard cleaner. We really appreciate it and we have enough to get us through the school year. If anyone else wants to help out with Wishlist items, we could use bird seed. I have a group that I take out every week to fill up the school’s bird feeders. The birds (and squirrels) have been eating so much of it that I’m going through it very quickly. I just found out that we will also be doing a weekly bird count for a program with Cornell Lab of Ornithology with our class. So in order to get a nice count we have to keep the feeders full. Since birdseed isn’t something the kids can carry very well, feel free to drop it off at the office or arrange a time that I can get it from you. Thanks so much.


Just for Fun

Fascinating Facts about Owls


Upcoming Dates:

Mon, 11/12: Veteran’s Day Assembly (10:30 AM to 11 AM in the gym)

Fri, 11/16: Report Cards go home

Mon, 11/19-20: Early Release (1 PM); Student-Attended Conferences; Scholastic Book Fair

Wed, 11/21-23: No School (Thanksgiving Break)