Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter and
November 15, 2015
This past week the students began Unit 4 about measurement. The students looked for items in the classroom that are about 1 centimeter, 1 inch, 1 foot, 1 yard, and 1 meter. Then they measured the perimeter of different rectangles in and out of the classroom. The students will continue to measure objects using metric and standard units next week. You can help your child by having your child measure items at home.
The students are almost done reading Underworlds: The Battle Begins. On Monday we will go over the last set of questions. Some of the questions that have two parts have been tricky for the students. I have been going over the importance of rereading sections of the book to find the answer. Next week we will do a small book project with this book.
This past week the students read an article about the chocolate process. Together we wrote down what changes happen to the beans and the effects these changes had on the beans. The students wrote a cause and effect writing piece about how the beans change to become a chocolate bar. Next week they will be writing a how to piece.
Social Studies and Science
The students finished their explorer reports. The students worked very hard to look for information and put it into their own words.
This past week we began our science unit on light. The students did an experiment to determine how light travels. They also tested different objects to see what happens when you shine light on them. I told the students their homework was to go home and play with a flashlight. Next week we will continue learning about properties of light with various experiments.
On Tuesday we went outside for a quick quiet spot. Due to scheduling conflicts, we stayed close to our classroom. The students observed plants that still had flowers and other that had gone to seed.
Please help your child be prepared for the weather in the morning and in the afternoon. Last week some of the students were very cold. We go outside unless it is not safe to go outside. PCCS students stay inside for temperatures below 0 degrees or lightening.
Report Cards
On Friday your child brought home a report card. Please sign and return the envelop. You can keep the report card.
On Friday I emailed a link to sign up for conferences. Students do come to these conferences. The conferences are only 15 minutes long, so please help me stay on time. If it is your time for a conference, just knock on the door. This will help me quickly wrap up the current conference so your conference can start on time.
Upcoming Dates
Nov. 18- Farm to Table Lunch
Nov. 23- Early Release, parent teacher conferences
Nov. 24- Early Release, parent teacher conferences
Nov. 25-27- No School