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Newsletter Nov. 1, 2015

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter and

November 1, 2015




Students have finished Unit 3 about multiplication and division.  The students learned the importance of breaking apart a problem to solve it.  The students did well recognizing how an easier problem can help them solve a larger problem.  We will spend some time next week on traditional multiplication.  Then we will review for an upcoming test.  Look for the study guide to be coming home this week.  Group 3 has been working on long division.  They also planned a trip that involved a lot of math.  They had to figure out the amount of fuel needed, how many times to refuel, how many days the trip takes, and other information.  Next week this group will finish this project.  Group 3 will continue solving large multiplication and division problems.




The students were very excited to begin reading The Underworlds, The Battle Begins.  The students are learning vocabulary, answering questions, and analyzing characters.  The students should be completing the reading assignments inside the reading notebooks.  Class time is given to finish these assignments.  We will continue reading this book next week.  


Writing and Social Studies


This week  writing and social studies was combined.  The students finished researching about their explorer.  The students are learning many interesting facts about their explorer.  The students have started writing their information into a research paper.  We are using Google Docs for this assignment.  The final draft of the paper should be done next week.




Friday the students had phenology before the Halloween Party.  I have never seen the students so enthusiastic to do phenology.   They wanted to get their journals as soon as they finished lunch.  I hope this enthusiasm continues this year.  (I may have said they needed to do phenology to go to the party.)


Extra Early Release Day


There will be early release Nov. 4 and Nov. 5 for new furniture delivery.




Our squash runneth over…Third and fourth grades are conducting a fundraiser with the leftover butternut squash.  Ms. Moyer put together several butternut squash recipes that will make your mouth water! If you would like to make a donation, we will send home a butternut squash and recipes for you all to enjoy.  We plan to donate the money raised to the Sustainable Schoolyard and the Farm to Table programs.  This opportunity is open to all PCCS families and staff.  Please send your donation to Mrs. McGovern’s class and we will send home the squash and recipes for you to enjoy!


Thank you


I would like to thank all the parents who helped with the Halloween party.  The students had a great time.


Upcoming Dates


Tuesday, Nov. 3- Green Challenge Assembly

Wednesday, Nov. 4- Early Release

Thursday, Nov. 5- Early Release

Wednesday, Nov. 11- Early Release