Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
May 16, 2021
Spelling words focus for the rest of the year will be on high-frequency words. Students will not have spelling sorts but will have two more spelling lists.
The past week students learned about reader’s theater. Students have learned about adding gestures and sound effects to the script. The groups have spent time practicing together. We will finish up this reader’s theater this coming week and then read a few articles.
The past week the students have been working on answering questions about reading. We are using the R.A.C.E strategy. R- Restate the question, A-Answer all parts of the question, C- Cite your source, E- Explain your answer. We will continue this next week.
This past week the students are learning about fractions using an egg carton for a model. They are learning about equivalent fractions like ½ = 2/4 = 6/12. We will continue learning about fractions this coming week.
Social Studies
The students have been learning about rules and laws. We are now moving into the three branches of government.
Friday Early Release Schedule
8:00-8:20 Attendance, Spelling
8:20-9:20 Math
9:20-10:00 Reading
10:00-10:30 Break and Snack
10:30-11:00 Spanish
11:05-11:35 Music
11:35-11:45 Break
11:45-12:30 Social Studies
12:30-12:50 Study Hall
1:00 Early Release
Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, May 18th – Picture Day
- Friday, May 21 – Early Release
- Thursday, May 27 – May Natural Leader’s Assembly
- Friday, June 4 – Last Day of School
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