Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
March 19, 2017
The children are enjoying reading their books about pioneer lifestyle. The three books are Little House on the Prairie, A Perfect Place: Joshua’s Oregon Trail Diary, and Prairie School. In reading groups the students work on vocabulary, answer questions, on complete other literary skills. The children learned about similes and studied character traits. The groups will finish the books this week. After spring break, the students will read other books or short articles during reading groups.
We have been now working on fractions for many weeks. We will wrap up the fraction unit this week. The students have learned about fractions on a number line, equivalent fractions, fractions greater than one, and comparing fractions. After spring break the students will begin a unit on geometry.
Social Studies
The students have finished their travels in a wagon train. My favorite part of the unit was reading the diary entries. I hope you got a chance to read them when the students brought them home. The past week we focused on pioneer lifestyle after the pioneers traveled to a new home. Next week the students will continue to learn about daily life of pioneers. They are making great connections between social studies and the books they are reading in class.
The students completed a final version of their first persuasive paper. Now they are working on a second persuasive paper. We are focusing on including details, a good introduction, and a conclusion. Hopefully, this paper will be finished before spring break. After the break, the class will be working on writing stories.
Other Information
- Many students tell us they are hungry after they finish all their food. Please ask your child if he/she needs more food at school.
- We prefer students only bring food that takes about 30 seconds to warm up in the microwave. We do not have enough time for all students to use the microwave for 3 minutes.
- Please check out our website for posts from Mrs. Steinbeck. She posts wonderful summaries and pictures.
PARCC test
Starting in 3rd grade students take a test called PARCC. This test will be divided up to many different days. If your child has a 504 or IEP accommodation for testing, he/she will be testing in the computer lab or in our classroom. The students without accommodations will be split up to test in Mrs. McGovern’s, Mrs. Wagner’s, or Mrs. Larson’s classroom. You can find out more about the PARCC test at
Upcoming Dates
March 20- PARCC test, Earth Week Shirt form due today CLICK HERE
March 22- PARCC test, Farm to Table lunch
March 27 to 31- No School, Spring Break
April 5- PARCC test