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Newsletter March 17, 2020

Newsletter March 17th




I would like to thank all the parents and students for attending student-led conferences.  The students worked hard on them and really enjoyed showing their work. 




In the past few weeks, the students have been working on writing about literature.  In Google classroom, there are two assignments about writing about reading. During this break from school, students can try to finish these assignments if time allows.  We also have been practicing for the upcoming IAR test. You can find practice tests at  




In math, the students are working on solving multiplication and division problems. To solve larger division problems the students are making ratio tables or drawing an area model. Ask your child to show you how to solve 19216 using these two methods.


Social Studies


During social studies, we have been continuing our geography unit about the United States.  The student learned about the Southeast United States. We studied the names of the states and capitals.  The students learned the climate and weather of the area. Last week the students learned about plants and animals that live in those states.


Environmental Learning


Two weeks ago we tried to go to Lake Leopold for a quiet spot, but it was too cold and windy.  The students finished their journal entries inside. This past week the students did phenology.  As of last week, the students did not notice a lot of signs of spring.  


Extended Break


During our extended Spring Break, the teachers are working on plans for e-learning for the students.  Students are not expected to complete any assignment this week or next week. The teachers are working together to find the best web-based platform to give students the information and lessons if we have e-learning after Spring Break.  Look for more information in the coming weeks.




Mrs. Steinbeck has been posting videos on Seesaw for the students and parents.  A few students have been able to respond to her and even send her a video. If you have seen her videos, you know that I am recovering from laryngitis right now and won’t be making a video right now. 


Optional Activities 


Here is a list of some activities that you can try at home.


  1. IXL – Look at some of the recommended activities from the teacher.  There will be math, ELA and social studies activities.
  2. Raz Kids- Read books and answer questions.
  3. Read 30 minutes a day and write about your book.  
  4. Have a quiet spot in your yard.
  5. Play math games with your child using cards.  See the attached resource.
  6. Practice typing at
  7. Find a topic to research and use for a search engine.  Make a slide show, a video, a poster, or a report on it.  
  8. Cook or bake with an adult 
  9. Do puzzles
  10. Play a board game or card game