Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
March 11, 2016
This past week the students finished up our unit on addition, subtraction, and multiplication of fractions. We learned how to quickly add a series of fractions such as 0/9 + 1/9 + 2/9 + 3/9 + 4/9 + 5/9 + 6/9 + 7/9 + 8/9 + 9/9. I told the students to see if they could beat their parents when adding fractions in a series. Students will have a test on Tuesday that is similar to the study guide given to the students on Friday. After the test, we will begin a new unit on decimals and how they relate to fractions.
Students have had their last book discussion about Winter of Red Snow. There will be some in class time for the students to work on the cereal box project. In addition to this assignment the students are reading articles, answering questions, and writing about articles on NEWSELA. The students can all log onto the website using their google account. If they check the tab at the top of the page called binder, the students will see current assignments.
Next week the students will continue with NEWSELA and read about motion and matter in reading groups.
The students were very excited to begin our new science unit on motion and matter. The students have experimented with rolling objects down a small ramp. After they experimented, they made rules that could better predict where an object would roll. Next week we will continue lessons related to motion.
Student Led Conferences
The students did a great job getting reading for conferences. The students did an awesome job presenting their papers and goals to the parents. I appreciate all the parents for taking time out of their busy schedule to come to the conferences.
The fourth graders will be taking PARCC tests in April. You will find out the specific dates as it closer. The students will be taking their test using paper and pencil. There will be 3 language arts tests and 4 math tests. Most likely the students will only take one test a day. You can find out more about the parcc test at
Green Challenge- Conserve Water
Our green challenge this month is to conserve water. You can find many different ways to conserve water around your house at
Please remember to look at the classweb page for great pictures and updates. Mrs. Steinbeck took many pictures and posted them for you to see.
Upcoming Dates
March 21-25 – Spring Break, no school
April 4- Green Challenge Assembly
Wish List
- spoons
- kid scissors