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Newsletter, Feb. 7, 2016

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter

Feb. 7, 2016


The students continue to learn about fractions.  This past week the students used prior knowledge about fractions to add and subtract mixed numbers and improper fractions.  They added mixed numbers by coloring in the fractions, estimated the addition or subtraction of mixed numbers, and found the exact answer to the equations.  Next week we will continue to learn about addition and subtraction of mixed numbers.  There will probably be homework related to the day’s lesson most nights.


The students worked on comparing and contrasting short articles about a main topic.  We did one together, and then they worked independently or with a partner on three more.  During the activity the students had to identify the main topic and important details from both articles  They also found how the articles were different and the same.  

Next week the students will begin reading Winter of Red Snow or Five Smooth Stones.  The students will be learning vocabulary words and answering comprehension questions.  


This week the class began an essay about how the colonists changed the land and used natural resources.  The class used a graphic organizer to plan out the essay.  Next week the students will work on writing the first draft of the essay and revising it.

Social Studies

All the students have got a job as an apprentice in Boston.  The students were excited to learn about their job and life in Boston.  On Friday, the Town Crier came to announce the Sugar Act.  The students are writing about their life in Boston in journals.  Many students are wondering when the Town Crier might come back to announce more news.

Valentine’s Day Party

Please remember to bring a reusable plate and silverware for the party.  If your child brings in Valentines for the class, please send one for each child.  I will email a list of names for the Valentine’s Day cards.  Please bring a decorated box to hold the cards.  You can reuse a shoe box or a small box you have at home.

Partners with Waukegan Students

We have the opportunity to be partnered with students from Waukegan.  Students will be writing to their partner this coming week.  On February 19 we will be meeting our partners at the Waukegan library.  The students will participate in a few different activities and helping their 2nd grade partners.  We will be leaving at 9:15 and returning to school about 1:30.  The students will need to bring a lunch to eat at the library.  There is no cost for this field trip.  

Permission Slips for PBIS

Please remember to sign and return the permission slip for the celebration.  There was a second smaller version sent home last week.  Please return this form by Feb. 9.

Upcoming Dates

February 8- Six Flags Reading Due

February 11- PBIS celebration, Valentine’s Day Parties

February 12- No School, Teacher inservice

February 15- No School, President’s Day

February 19- Field Trip to Waukegan Library 9:15-1:30