Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
Feb. 27, 2022
During reading the students have been reading Sled Dog School. The students have answered questions and discussed the book with the class. Some of our whole group lessons have been practice time for the IAR tests. We will continue reading this book in the coming weeks.
The class has finished their information writing piece. The students added a conclusion and lots of details. They also added a bibliography, a table of contents, and a glossary. Next week we will do some short writing pieces and use writing time to prepare for our student-led conferences.
In math, the students are learning about angles, lines, line segments, and rays. They have been using pattern blocks to learn about angles. On Friday, Ms. Harper read the book Sir Cumference and the Great Knight of Angleland. Many students were convinced she was reading a true story even though it is fiction. Next week they will be using protractors to measure angles and learning more about polygons.
Nature Time, Social Studies
During nature time we took a walk near Lake Leopold and the horses while trying to avoid falling on the ice. The students noticed many signs of winter even though the weather was mild that day. Naomi taught the class about animal sounds. They listened to a variety of bird calls. Students also learned what animals are the loudest.
We have begun social studies by learning about the oceans and continents. A highlight for the class was listening to the songs about oceans and continents. Students will begin learning about the different regions of the United States next week.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
This trimester the parent-teacher conferences are student-led conferences. Students will be working on a presentation for you with work samples. They will be telling you areas they are doing well and areas for improvement. Conferences will be held via zoom with more than one break-out room. Ms. Harper and I will join the break-out rooms to see your child present information and answer questions.
Sign Up HERE
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 862 1839 0825
Passcode: Hahn2022
Scholastic Book Orders
You can choose to have your books shipped to your home or delivered to me with our class order. With a $25 order, you can pick a FREE $5 Book (use code: READS).
Shop Our Class Page:
Shop Digital Flyers for Our Grade with Your Child:
Upcoming Dates
- Friday, March 4, 2022- Fun Food Friday
- Thursday and Friday, March 10 and 11 – Early Release-Conferences
- March 15-17 IAR test reading
- March 21-23 IAR test math
Please send in winter clothes for your child to keep at school. A few students needed new clothes and only had shorts in their lockers. We have recess outside if the wind chill is above 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Please send snow pants, boots, a hat, and gloves daily.
Picture Link
Please check out our pictures HERE
Homework Document
This will reflect the information in the assignment notebook. Ms. Hahn’s Homework