Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
Feb. 7, 2016
Fractions, fractions, and more fractions! This past week the students learned about adding and subtracting mixed numbers. We will continue to learn different strategies to add and subtract mixed numbers and improper fractions.
This past week the students began reading Winter of Red Snow. They are assigned to read different sections and then complete a page about section. The students have written summaries, found cause/effect relationships, visualized, and related to the characters. We will continue reading Winter of Red Snow next week.
Students are almost done revising their essays about how the colonist changed the land and used natural resources. Due to the short week and a field trip next week the students will not be given a large essay next week. We will work on some grammar skills as time allows.
Social Studies
“Hear Ye! Hear Ye!” yelled the town crier this week. The students learned about the Stamp Act, Townshend Act, and the Boston Massacre. The students ask me almost everyday if the Town Crier is coming back with more news. We will continue to learn about the events leading up to the Revolutionary War next week.
Valentine’s Day Party
I would like to thank all the parents for helping with the Valentine’s Day Party. A special thank you goes to Mrs. Halverson for being in charge of the party.
Partners with Waukegan Students
We have the opportunity to be partnered with students from Waukegan. On February 19 we will be meeting our partners at the Waukegan library. The students will participate in a few different activities and helping their 2nd grade partners. We will be leaving at 9:15 and returning to school about 1:30. The students will need to bring a lunch to eat at the library. There is no cost for this field trip.
Upcoming Dates
February 15- No School, President’s Day
February 17- Farm to Table Recess/lunch from 11:20-12:20
February 19- Field Trip to Waukegan Library 9:15-1:30
February 26- Colonial America Day- Look for information coming soon