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Newsletter December 15, 2017

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter

December 15, 2017




The students are enjoying reading their novels in reading groups.  The students are answering questions, learning about literary devices, and learning new vocabulary words.  The goal is to finish these books by winter break.  After winter break the students will read new books during reading group.  I would like to encourage all the students to read over winter break




The students have written an autobiography and now are writing a realistic fiction story.  The students are revisiting how to write a story from the beginning of the year.  Many students are writing continuations of their stories.  It has been great to listen to all the great story ideas and to hear the students giving their partners suggestions.  The students will finish this writing before break.  After the break we will begin a new writing assignment.




The class is doing really well with Unit 4.  The students are learning different strategies for addition and subtraction.  They are learning to solve story problems involving measurement.  The have learned about kilometers, meters, and time.  Next week they will learn about kilograms, grams, liters, and milliliters.  Students will have a test on Thursday covering topics in Unit 4.




The students are enjoying the sound unit.  They have gotten to make a variety of sounds and listen to instrument sounds.  They learned about parts of the ear and sound waves.  They will have a test on Wednesday.  Look for a study guide this week.




The students will be bringing home all clothing items including slippers and gym shoes on Friday.  Please send an extra bag with your child.  We send these items home so you can inspect them for fit and to see if the extra clothes are weather appropriate.  Please send back to school slippers, gym shoes, and a set of extra clothes.


Upcoming Events


12/22/2017   Holiday Sing 8:30, Winter Party 11:45, Early Release 1:00

1/8/2018       School Reconvenes

1/9/2018       Green Challenge assembly 8:15

1/15/2018      NO SCHOOL

1/17/2018      Farm to Table

1/22/2018     School Choice Assembly 8:15