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Newsletter Dec. 5, 2021

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter 

December 5, 2021




In reading, we are focusing on nonfiction text structures. The students are reading short passages, learning vocabulary words, and answering questions about the text. The students are also reading a chapter book. The students will be doing a book project about this book. All students will need a cereal box or a similar size box.




The students have written persuasive writing pieces while working on adding details. The students are learning more about adding hooks and organizing their ideas.  Students spent a few days writing a short story. The students worked on a story arch and then wrote the story. This past week the students learned to answer a question about a passage using the strategy called RACE- restate, answer, cite text, and explain your answer. We will continue learning about the RACE strategy and reviewing story writing and opinion writing. 




Our current unit is about fractions and decimals. Students learned about equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, and the addition and subtraction of fractions. They are learning about decimals to the hundredth place. There will be an assessment on Unit 3 on Friday this coming week. The study guide will come home on Thursday.


Nature Time, Science


In science, the students finished learning about light. Before Thanksgiving, the students made light mazes. Our current science unit is about sound. The students are learning how the ear works, sound waves, and other properties of sound.


Wednesday we had quiet spots at Lake Leopold. The students got cold near the lake but enjoyed seeing how the lake is starting to freeze. I was proud of so many students that added to their journal entries when they came back to class.


Scholastic Book Orders


You can choose to have your books shipped to your home or delivered to me with our class order. With a $25 order, you can pick a FREE $5 Book (use code: READS).

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 Shop Digital Flyers for Our Grade with Your Child:

Upcoming Dates

  • Wednesday, December 15th record song for Holiday Sing
  • Friday, December 17, 2021 – Holiday Parties – 11:45 -12:45
  • Friday, December 17, 2021 – Early Release-Staff In-service




Please send in winter clothes for your child to keep at school. A few students needed new clothes and only had shorts in their lockers.


Remember to send your child ready to go outside in the morning and the afternoon.  It can be chilly in the morning if we do an outdoor lesson. This may mean sending a sweatshirt and a winter coat.


With the weather turning cooler, we will eat indoors when it is below 40 degrees. Students will be spaced out in the classroom to eat. All students will put on a mask when not eating or drinking. Some students may finish lunch or snack before the time is up and be asked to wear their masks while other students finish eating.


Picture Link


Please check out our pictures HERE


Homework Document


This will reflect the information in the assignment notebook. Ms. Hahn’s Homework 


Wish List


  1. Crayons, Markers, Colored Pencils for class supply bin. These can be used ones from previous years.
  2. Spoons and Forks for kids that have forgotten silverware.
  3. Empty Cereal Boxes or similar size boxes