Ms. Hahn’s Class Newsletter
August 26, 2018
I am excited to begin a new school year. We had a great first week. There were a lot of procedures to cover and a lot of supplies to put away. After all that we still had time for learning as you will see below.
There are pictures, newsletters, and downloads on the class webpage. Mrs. Steinbeck likes to take a lot of pictures for the parents. Be sure to check it out. Currently our homework calendar on the website is not accurate, but should be fixed soon. In the meantime, you should have received an invitation for the homework Google calendar.
We started our first unit in math. Unit 1 is a refresher of second grade math. Please feel free to read the information in the math newsletter. The students reviewed addition strategies. Next week we will discuss subtraction strategies. If your child does not have addition and subtraction facts memorized please continue to work on that at home.
Our study of the prairie started by learning the secrets of the prairie and doing an insect sweep. The students also made a prairie wiff by collecting seeds and leaves of prairie plants. One favorite plant was the Mountain Mint. Next week we will learn more about the animals of the prairie.
The students were excited to pick out books for their book baskets. Children can also bring books from home to read. Next week the students will learn more about how to pick a just right book and a variety of genres. Mrs. Steinbeck read the book 100 Dresses. That book has a good lesson about treating others kindly. Starting next week the students will be given an individual reading assessment called Fountas and Pinnell. This will help me determine your child’s reading level.
Friday the students started spelling. This coming week all students have the same list as they are learning the routines. On Friday, August 31 the students will be in groups and get new spelling words. Please remind your child to bring their spelling to school everyday. I give class time to work on spelling. The spelling letter tells more information, but if you have questions let me know.
I look forward to a great school year.
Upcoming Events
Monday, August 27- Bus safety
Tuesday, August 28- Picture Day
Thursday, August 30- NWEA test
Friday, August 31- NWEA test, early release
Monday, September 3- No School
Tuesday, September 11- Comstock Curriculum night
Wednesday, September 12- Farm to Table Lunch
A note from PE
Welcome new families and welcome back returning families! I am so glad to have students back for a new school year and excited for new activities this year. Mr. Flinn will be posting new activities and good information on Twitter to get information quickly to parents and families. All photos will coincide with the no photo list and will be school professional. You can follow him at @JFlinn9PE . He would like to get more parent involvement this year and the Gym doors will always be open so please message or email him and he will get back to you ASAP. Twitter will not replace the website and Mr. Flinn will still be writing posts on the website as well, it’s just an extra tool that he will be using.