Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter August 23, 2020
Thank you
I want to thank you for making the past week so successful. I know this is not how any of us would want this year to start out. I truly appreciate your support getting the year off to a great start.
Our class will be using Google Classroom for assignments. Please have your child open Google Classroom every morning. At this time, I am not requiring students to upload pictures onto Google Classroom. I will work with them during synchronous learning to teach them how to use the camera on their computers and add pictures to Google Classroom assignments. During our breaks we will now be utilizing the stream to tell the students what to do during breaks and when to be back from break. See the image below.
This week I read the students a few different books and they wrote about their favorite part. On Friday I reviewed Read to Self. Next week we will discuss work on writing and reading to a partner. I am hoping to use breakout rooms in Zoom to have the students read to each other.
This past week I read a variety of books to show writing has meaning to the author and the reader. The students started a jot page with different ideas to write about during class. Next week the students will have more time to write about a topic of their choice. We will also talk about how writers include sensory details in their writing.
This week the students tried out a few technology activities with a Google slides math scavenger hunt. On Friday we began Unit 1 in 3rd grade math. Unit 1 is a review of addition and subtraction. I will attach the math newsletter from Bridges. Some of the activities mentioned in the letter may be slightly different due to remote learning. Next week we will continue Unit 1 lessons about addition.
We started learning about the prairie. Mrs. Steinbeck was on location at the prairie to show different plants in the prairie. She also did an insect sweep. Next week we will continue learning more about prairie animals and prairie plants.
Please have your child log into my class Zoom by 8 am for attendance. On Tuesday after I see them, they may go to PE Zoom class.
If your child needs a Chromebook, please let the office know. The school can issue you a Chromebook for remote learning. Many of the 3rd grade activities may be difficult to do on an IPAD. Some families who already had a tablet or IPAD use that for Zoom and the school
Chromebook for assignments.
Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, August 25 – Board Meeting 7:00 – 8:30pm
Virtual Meeting- Click Here to Join the Meeting:Or to copy and enter in browser:
Meeting ID: 697 198 8979 Password: 159304
- Friday, August 28 – Materials Pick-Up – Gym Carpool Lane
1:00-2 pm Kindergarten
3:00-4 pm 1st through 8
- Friday, September 4 – Early Release – Inservice
- Monday, September 7 Labor Day- No School
- Friday, September 11 – Materials Pick-Up
- Friday, September 25 – Materials Pick-Up
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