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Newsletter April 9, 2017

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter

April 9, 2017




This past week most of the students have started new book during reading groups.  The books they started are Freckle Juice and An Owl in the Shower.  The other students learned about than animals in the Florida Everglades.  They will be reading The Missing Gator of Gumbo Limbo which takes place in the Florida Everglades.  If your child is reading this book, your child brought home a letter about this book.  The students will be reading these books in class and at home.  I encourage students to share what they are reading in their books with their parents.




This past week the students worked on solving two step story problems.  It is important that students know how to draw a picture, write an equation, and find the final answer.  Many children found it helpful to work with a partner to solve the story problems.  Next week we will continue solving two step problems.


Social Studies and Phenology


This week the students played Pioneer school.  They had a math lesson, a spelling bee, a reading lesson, and a handwriting lesson.  I think the students were glad to be living in 2017 after pretending to be in the 1800’s.  


We also began learning about the causes of the Revolutionary War.  They are getting a brief overview of this because they will learn a lot more next year.  This week we will continue learning about the Revolutionary War and how Illinois became a state.


On Thursday the children went outside for phenology.  It was great to see the buds starting to open on many of the bushes.  The prairie grass is starting to come up and the birds were very active.  Hopefully, this week we can go to Lake Leopold for quiet spots again.




This week the students learned about poems.  They wrote an acrostic poem, a cinquain poem, a diamante poem, and a haiku.  Next week they will learn more about poems and try other forms of poetry.


Earthkeepers S Key


Your child brought home the S key assignment.  I have also posted it on the website.  I have extended the due date to May 1.  I will checking in with the students this week to show me what they have finished so far.


Other Information


  • Many students tell us they are hungry after they finish all their food.  Please ask your child if he/she needs more food at school.
  • We prefer students only bring food that takes about 30 seconds to warm up in the microwave.  We do not have enough time for all students to use the microwave for 3 minutes.
  • Please check out our website for posts from Mrs. Steinbeck.  She posts wonderful summaries and pictures.
  • I know that there are some website the students normally use that are blocked.  I am in contact with Mr. Coonan to get them unblocked.


PARCC test


Starting in 3rd grade students take a test called PARCC.  This test will be divided up to many different days.  If your child has a 504 or IEP accommodation for testing, he/she will be testing in the computer lab or in our classroom.  The students without accommodations will be split up to test in Mrs. McGovern’s, Mrs. Wagner’s, or Mrs. Larson’s classroom.  You can find out more about the PARCC test at  


Wish List


  1. Extra snacks for the classroom
  2. Forks and spoons for the classroom


Upcoming Dates


April 10- Math PARCC test

April 11- Green Assembly

April 12- Math PARCC test, Spanish Poetry Night

April 14- Math PARCC test, Taste of the World (bring a plate)

April 17-21  Earth Week- More information coming

April 21 -Field trip

May 1- Earthkeepers S Key Assignment Due