Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
April 26, 2019
This week we enjoyed many different activities related to Earth Day. On Monday we started the week with an assembly. The students learned about the history of Earth Day. We then studied the life of Anna B. Comstock. Then we went outside to study daffodils. The students looked closely at the different parts of the plant. The class took a hike around the the horse pasture in Prairie Crossing. Along the way the students picked up trash. We also stopped to have a quiet spot by a pond.
On Tuesday the students went to Moraine Hills. They went to four different lessons in the morning. The teachers read a few legends, toured the nature center, and did watercolors. In the afternoon the class went for a hike and saw a variety of plants. Mrs. Steinbeck talked about the layers of the forest.
On Wednesday the students learned about the life of Rachel Carson. Rachel Carson studied the ocean and wanted to find alternatives to pesticides. A highlight later in the day was using animal print stamps for different prairie animals. We then went outside to look for signs of the prairie animals. In the afternoon the students researched an environmentalist. We also watered the lettuce and cleaned out our class garden bed.
On Thursday the students heard a presentation about how Australia conserves water and electricity by a PCCS parent. The class then learned about Japanese haikus. During recess the students did the Spanish cascarones. In the afternoon we hiked to Oak Openings. The students had a quiet spot in the forest.
On Friday the class hiked around Lake Leopold and enjoyed snack on the dock. The students were able to stop by the beach to enjoy some rare time in the sand. During recess the students watched the prairie burn from across the road. In the afternoon we watched a short video about life in the Marshall Islands. The students did get new spelling words for next week.
Next week we will be back to a normal schedule. In math the students will learn about fractions. In reading we will wrap up lessons on theme. In social studies we will finish our study of Illinois History including the invention of the plow.
Upcoming Events
- 5/6 – 5/10 3rd/4th Grade Native American Week
- 5/3 Natural Leaders Assembly
- 5/7 Field Trip Dunn Museum
- 5/15 Farm to Table Lunch
- 5/24 Early Release
- 5/27 No School
- 5/30 Field Trip to the Grove