Newsletter 10-6-19
In writing the students finished their first fiction story. They worked on adding more descriptive words and editing their stories. On Friday some students shared their stories with the class. Next, the students will be writing a second fiction story in a much shorter time. They will be using a story arch and then typing their stories.
In math, the students are learning more about place value and multiplication in Unit 2. They are learning how to multiply bigger numbers by drawing arrays and building models. The students are learning how to multiply by 10, 100, and 1000. We will continue working on Unit 2 learning more about multiplication and division.
During reading the students read a variety of Greek myths. We learned about different allusions related to Greek myths. This past week most students began reading Underworlds The Battle Begins. During reading groups the students will be reading the book, answering questions, learning vocabulary words, and doing a few writing prompts related to the book.
During social studies, the students have worked on a plan to sell apple cider on October 17th. The students had to make a lot of decisions related to this project. We would like to borrow a coffee urn to keep the cider warm.
In science, we began our light unit. The students did different experiments to learn the properties of light. Next week the students will be creating a light maze using their knowledge of light. After we finish the light unit, we will learn about sound.
Upcoming Events
- 10/10/19 Early Release 1:00
- 10/11/19 No School Teacher In-Service
- 10/13/19 PSO Golf Outing. Open to all. Nearly ½ the proceeds come back to the school!
- 10/17/19 Apple Cider Sale
- 10/18/19 Family Campfire program Campfire
- 10/22/19 Picture Retakes
- 10/23/19 Early Release
- 10/25/19 Natural Leaders Assembly
- 11/11/19 Veterans Day
Photos Links
Dear Families,
This year we are using Seesaw to share and communicate with families! Your child will post to Seesaw to share their learning. I’ll also use Seesaw to send you messages and reminders. Seesaw is private; you’ll only see posts created by your child.
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Thank you for supporting your child’s learning!
Ms. Hahn
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