Once again I am so proud of Prairie Crossing and the opportunities our students have at this school. This week the 3/4 grades held Native American Week and it was spectacular. The children learned so much about the Native American culture. They learned about religion, food, artifacts, storytelling, games, building fences, building wigwams, cutting trees to make fences and wigwams, how to pick a place to call home, the legend of the 3 sisters, how to plant squash, they made Native American arts and crafts, and so much more.
Mr. Skip and his friends worked so hard all week with the kids and you could see the mutual respect between them. We finished the week by watching and participating in a pow wow. I had tears in my eyes as I reflected on how lucky the kids were to be able to be a part of this wonderful week.
As always, I tried to take some pictures when I could. I hope you enjoy them. ~ Mrs. Steinbeck