We had a short, but fun filled week in Ms. Hahn’s class. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like I did a good job recording photos of all the activities for the past week. But I will share what I did take.
So I know that I keep sharing images from PE, but I am truly impressed with the way that Mr. Flinn has improved the PE program from prior years. Every day the kids know exactly what they will be doing. Certain days are game days, others are for skill development, and one day each week is a workout day. He also incorporates an educational component in which he talks to them about core strength and heart rate. The kids seem to really enjoy PE each day.
In writing, the kids have been given a writing partner. It is not someone who will write with them, but rather, someone whom they can share their writing. The partner should be giving some constructive criticism and offer suggestions for making the writing better.
Thursday we went to Quiet Spots and spent about an hour walking, sitting, and writing in some beautiful weather. Students are noticing how quickly the leaves are changing and falling off trees. So many kids shared what they wrote with the rest of the class. And those kids that did share wrote so well. We had poems, short writings, longer form writing, and even a repeat after me poem!
In math they have been working on perimeter and in social studies it’s been map skills. If you still have any actual maps around, pull them out and help your child read them. With GPS we don’t really use maps much anymore, but it is still an important skill to develop. Spelling has been the normal sort work and we’ve introduced dictionary work this week too. Seems like not everyone knows how to use a dictionary either. So again, if you have one at home, ask your child to look up a few words, then ask them the part of speech, pronunciation, and definition. In reading they’ve been continuing to read The Chocolate Touch.
Finally, on Friday we had our highly anticipated pizza party. I told the kids at the start of the year that when they earned 1,500 Hawk’s Tickets as a group then I would buy pizza for lunch. Well they hit that mark a couple of weeks ago already, but due to my schedule, we weren’t able to celebrate until Friday. I really thought we would get to the 1,500 mark closer to winter break, but I’m so proud of them all. This is another time where I didn’t pull out my phone to take any pictures, so I’ll try to describe the scene. Picture 3 giant pizzas coming into a classroom of third graders, a couple of guests were invited in Ms. Hahn’s daughter and my son and a friend, now picture all 3 pizza boxes empty in the hallway. That’s how it went down. And we even tried to fill them up with apples and bananas before they had the pizza! But they all seemed to enjoy the pizza and I was glad to do it as a reward for their great behavior. We will probably do something special before winter break as well, however, we are thinking about a movie and popcorn this time. The kids seem perfectly happy with that idea too!
Have a great week!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck