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Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

There is nothing like Halloween in the middle of the week in a third-grade classroom. Everyone did a great job focusing throughout the week before and after the festivities. The party was spectacular and the kids all had a great time. Thank you so much to our party organizer (Mrs. Gapinski) and all of the parents who helped out with supplies, foods, or setting up / cleaning up. We so appreciate getting to enjoy watching the kids having a great time. 

Of course, the Halloween party wasn’t all we did this week, so here are the highlights.

The highlight of PE was doing the Thriller dance dressed up in costumes. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of that because I was dancing right alongside the kids. In Art, the kids have been finishing up their self-portraits. They look so cool. Meanwhile, in music, they have been doing pumpkin-themed activities including playing glockenspiels.

Math/ELA/Social Studies
We have started a new unit in Math. First up is rounding. See if your child can round numbers to the nearest tens place. Our visiting author has been working with the kids to write a fractured fairy tale. They are rewriting The Three Little Pigs by using animals that are found in a prairie, wetland, or woodland. In social studies, we are learning about the history of Illinois. We’ve continued our reading of The Chocolate Touch and the students are showing good comprehension of this chapter book. Finally, in spelling, we had some fun by spelling out the words with whiteboard markers on the desks!

Environmental Learning
While we didn’t get outside this week, we did get to enjoy the fruits of our harvest. We were able to use the beans we grew in our gardens to make soup. The kids got to chop the vegetables for the soup. Each 3/4 class made a different soup and they were all delicious. 


Back to the Halloween party, it was so much fun for everyone. The crafts were awesome, the games were great, and the food was so good. I’ll put a few photos here, but the rest you can see by clicking the Gallery tab at the top of the page.

That’s everything from this week. We are now heading into a period of time that goes by so quickly. Farm to Table, Veteran’s Day assembly, conferences, Thanksgiving break, Holiday Bazaar, and Winter Break are all going to be here so soon. I’ll keep the pictures and updates coming so keep coming back here to see what’s happening.

OK, how do your kids get Hawk’s Tickets this week? Tell your kids to come to me with the food that I’m most known for, Chocolate Chip Cookies. Maybe one day I’ll bring some to share with everyone.

Have a great week!

~ Mrs. Steinbeck