We had another great week in Ms. Hahn’s 3rd grade class. Lots of visitors and special events made the week fly by. Everyone is looking forward to next week and our Halloween party and costume parade.
This week the kids learned some dances in PE. They really had a lot of fun. Ask them to show you the Thriller dance, of course, you probably already know that one.
Self portraits are hard. That’s what the kids are learning in art class. In spite of it being a difficult activity, the kids are doing terrific. And even if they don’t quite all look like themselves, know that they have been trying really hard.
In music this week they continued to learn about music notes. They got to make a pumpkin using musical notes and they were really colorful. They also got to show Ms. Klug the Thriller dance moves when she played it for them.
Math/ELA/Social Studies
Third graders took a unit test on multiplication in math this week, they will get them back this coming week. I’m sure most made great strides since they took the pretest a few weeks ago.
We had a guest author stop by and work with the kids on writing. She took them outside and had them describe different things in nature. She will be returning soon to continue an activity with them. Everyone has now started reading The Chocolate Touch. You can help your child by reminding them to read the book at home. Often reading the same chapter a few times can help with comprehension. I also should some of them YouTube videos that have teachers reading the chapters aloud. You can search for those and make sure that your child follows along in their book.
In social studies we have been looking at a map of Illinois and labeling different elements. Ask them why the state of Illinois has such a bumpy border in most places. Do they know where Rockford is? How about Waukegan?
Environmental Learning
This week we did a couple of activities having to do with our “Eat Real” Green Challenge. The kids met with their 8th grade book buddies and planned a healthy meal with food that we collected in our “store”. All of that food will be donated to the local food pantry. They also made applesauce with their book buddies. We had a whole lot of kids pealing, cutting, and chopping apples. After cooking all day, we enjoyed the applesauce before leaving for the day. It was really good. We also went outside and did a phenology lesson. Next week we will be making soup one day, so this week we harvested the remainder of the beans and shelled them. Can’t wait to taste them in our soup next week!
Farm to Table was this past week and we got to share it with our friends from 3/4 grades at LEARN Charter School. What a great opportunity to make new friends and introduce them to one of our favorite monthly events.
That’s about it for this week. Next week I will share a bunch of photos from our Halloween party. Please remember that if you come in to help at the party to check in at the office. If you do not have a visitor tag we cannot let you into the building. Also, if you take photos at the party, please do not post other students photos on social media.
I know the kids are waiting for it, so have them tell me what things I collect. It may be boring to some, but I collect pens and pencils. If they do, I’ll give them a Hawk’s Ticket!
Finally, we would love it if you could talk to your student about being kind to their classmates. We are seeing an uptick of some unkind words and actions taking place between some of them. We will discuss it as a class this coming week, but if you could help us out it would be appreciated. Thanks so much.
~ Mrs. Steinbeck