Hi Everyone –
We had another nice week in Ms. Hahn’s class. The kids are getting into the swing of things in 3rd grade. I think they are finding out that we move a bit faster, there is a bit more work, and the expectations are a bit higher as well. But most are handling it quite well.
The kids are enjoying specials this year. They continue to work on their cake projects in art, many have entered the oil pastel phase. In music they’ve been learning about notes and how to put them together. In PE they played a couple of different games involving balls and pins. The general idea is that you either need to try to knock down other kids pins or other teams pins down. They also played a game using pool noodles where they would stand one up, let go, and run to the next persons before it hit the ground. All of these games were great fun for the kids.
Natural Leaders
Third grade was busy doing activities outside this week despite the wet conditions. Everyone got an opportunity to do some harvesting in the garden with Mrs. Flaig and they also did their first quiet spots with Mrs. Naomi. I love it when we get out of the classroom and out into nature.
In our core subjects we’ve been busy learning a lot of new things and reviewing some older topics. We are now to the point that most understand what spelling looks like in third grade. We have been busy testing students reading levels and while we do so the kids have been better at reading to themselves and reading to one another. A measuring scavenger hunt was the highlight of math this week. In science we moved to the woodlands and they made posters about the different layers of the forest. The kids are also honing their writing skills everyday. We have also been trying to get the kids on the computer. Once they hit 5th grade most of their work is done on their Chromebooks, so we try to prepare our kids the best that we can by getting them comfortable. Please help us out by letting them use a computer at home to log into their Google account. They can practice making documents and learning the keyboard.
That about wraps it up for the week. Next week is Attendance Week and we ask that everyone come to school every day, unless, of course, they are really sick. Classrooms will be competing throughout the week by getting points for being at school and by participating in our Spirit Week activities. See below for more information.
Monday: Crazy Hat Day
Tuesday: Spirit Wear Day – If they don’t have PCCS clothing, then wear green, some kids said they would do a DIY project to make a PCCS shirt
Wednesday: Pajama or Sports – they can wear appropriate pajamas or clothing supporting an sports team (except the Bears, I’m a Packers fan!)
Thursday: Crazy Hair Day
Friday: Class Choice – We chose to wear blue on Friday, any shade is fine
During this week we will also get points for those who have trash free lunches. So if you can send foods that can go in reusable containers. Sandwiches, veggies, fruits, homemade snacks, leftovers, etc. It doesn’t count if you send in a granola bar and throw the trash out at home. There are great recipes for granola, zucchini bread, banana bread, cookies, etc. that you can make ahead and send in reusable containers. I’ve seen kids with Rice Krispie treats wrapped individually, these are so easy to make. Have the kids help make them and they will buy into the process. Buy larger containers of yogurt and apple sauce and use it throughout the week. The teachers will be participating as well. We will not be counting the trash itself, just kids who don’t bring trash in their lunches.
We are also doing a door decorating contest so look for pictures of that next week.
Thank you to those parents who have come in to help us out with different things, you are making it so much easier for Ms. Hahn and I to spend even more time working with your kids. If you haven’t been in, you are welcome anytime.
Have a great week!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck
P.S. I’m curious to see how many people read these posts. So tell your kids to come up to me and say “I know you love Harry Potter”, and I will give them a Hawk’s Ticket!