Hello, hello! It’s been a little bit since I’ve shared and this will be short on words and heavy on pictures, so let’s get right to it.
First off, thank you so much for making us feel so special this week. We got flowers, breakfast, baked potatoes, fruit, cute and thoughtful notes and pictures, and very generous scrip cards. So thank you all. This class of kids and the parents that are responsible for them are so very kind.
The highlight of the week as far as school was concerned was our field trip to Independence Grove. We were learning about the French fur traders and how they interacted with the Native Americans. We got to go out on a large 34ft canoe and took a long hike around the lake.
When we got back we had a picnic behind the classroom.
On Friday we had an author, Natalie Rompella, visit the classroom. She talked to the kids about keeping a nature journal. It was a very interesting discussion and she will be returning a few more times to discuss how important journaling was to the Lewis and Clark expedition. Here is a link to her website www.natalierompella.com
We finally spent the $300 that the class won with the door decorating contest a few months back. We decided to purchase things that would enhance our use of the gardens. So we bought a convertible picnic table/bench and an adirondack chair. The chair arrived and I put it together. We know that this class won’t get to use these for too long, but we will have everyone sign the chair so that they have a permanent reminder of their time in our classroom.
That’s it for this past week, only a few more remaining until summer break. All of us are getting more and more excited for summer.
Thanks again for making Teacher Appreciation Week so nice.