We had another good week in Ms. Hahn’s class. I actually took a few more pictures this time!
In PE the kids have switched to badminton. They really seemed to like the game and have learned the skills quickly. On Friday they played team handball.
Recess is always fun and this week we had some pretty nice weather.
Sarah and Annika practiced a string trick one day. Every time they would come to me to show me how it worked, they would get tangled up in a knot! It was so funny, but they kept trying. So hopefully they get all the kinks worked out and can show the class how it’s done. Love it!
And sometimes a kid plays so hard at recess that they just need a nap.
Some of the students presented their Spanish reports this week. And I subbed in Art one day, so they colored these cool dragon pictures.
We do a lot of collaboration in the classroom. So in math the kids often work with their math partner to solve problems. Then we ask them to share their strategy so that kids can see different ways of doing the same problem. In writing, they did what’s called “Chalk Talk”. Students would walk around the classroom until we said stop, then they sit at another students seat and peer edit their writing assignment. This is done silently and they did a great job. Monday they can start editing their writing based on a number of fellow students input.
The weather was so nice on Wednesday that we flipped our schedule a bit and went on a wonderful hike around the lake. It was so nice to get out in the spring like weather. It was a bit muddy in spots, however!
Finally, Wednesday was Farm to Table. This time it was prepared and served by our eighth graders. It was so good and we all loved the sweet treat at the end!
So as you can see we had a great week. Enjoy your weekend!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck