This week has been very busy in Ms. Hahn’s class. Here are some of the highlights.
Snow! Thankfully some snow fell on our day off which means recess is 100% more fun in the winter. Looks like it will be gone soon, but it was fun while it lasted.
Inside has been fun too, especially playing volleyball in PE.
Farm to Table was this past Wednesday and we had chicken, green beans, and potatoes. Everything tasted really good.
In math we have been using protractors. The kids seem to enjoy working with angles and this new tool.
In reading we continue to work on non-fiction and in writing it is poetry. We will continue to focus on these topics this week. For social studies we are talking about the first colonists. This week we’ve talked a lot about Jamestown.
Next week is School Choice Week, here is the schedule:
Tuesday: Wear Favorite Sport Team’s Gear
Wednesday: Class Theme- Wear clothing with your favorite character like Mickey Mouse, Harry Potter, Snoopy, etc. . .
Thursday: Crazy Hat Day/Hair Day
Friday: School Spirit Wear Day – Judging Door Decorations
We have started working on door decorations. Each student was asked to provide one word that describes what they like about PCCS. We are then writing each word (or short phrase) on the door in a graffiti style. It is starting to look really cool. I’ll share photos next week of the finished product.
Finally, we held our class spelling bee last week. Our winner and runner-up will compete at the whole school bee on Monday. We were so proud of everyone who participated in the bee.
Have a great week!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck