This will be another short post. I’ve gotten very bad about taking photos in class for some reason. I suppose it’s better that I am busy helping all of our students and not just running around taking pictures.
In P.E. the kids played lacrosse again this week. They had a couple of games of hungry hungry hippos which they really like. This time Mr. L, myself, and a student were on defense and could knock the balls out of their sticks. This made it much harder, but a whole lot of fun!
Quiet spots was pretty neat this week. The lake was glass still until it started to rain a bit. But the kids did a great job of focusing on their writing despite the less than perfect weather conditions.
The kids were to have finished their opinion writing assignments and turn them in by Friday. Prior to that they shared their essays with each other to get some feedback. It was nice to see that they how they offered suggestions and praise.
This past week was the Halloween party. Thank you to all the parents who sent things in or who came in to help with the party. A special shout out to Mrs. Johnson for organizing the party. I always appreciate it when she shows up with her bins full of all the supplies.
That’s it for this past week. Time is really flying now as we head towards all of the holidays. So have a great week!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck