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Mrs. Steinbeck’s Weekly Review

I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather we finally have received. I know the kids really like it and it certainly made the field trip more enjoyable.

Alright, let me recap the past week in Ms. Hahn’s class. Starting with PE, the kids are learning how to play pickle ball. If you are not familiar, this is a game similar to tennis, but you use a paddle instead of a racket and the ball is similar to a whiffle ball. So it tends to be a little slower than tennis. The third graders have been having a lot of fun playing the game this week.

Later on Monday, Desi shared a presentation about her hearing loss. She did a great job and the class was so interested and supportive. They also asked her some really good questions. Well done by all.

In math we have been working on shapes. This week the kids ended up building a lot of things with blocks (kind of like real life Tetris) and tangrams. Everyone had a lot of fun trying to create different shapes from the shapes they were given. It was challenging, but they all did great.

The school offered an additional Farm to Table this week, It was prepared and served by the 8th grade class so that was pretty neat. Prior to going into the barn we hung out in front of the gym in a field full of dandelions. Our kids had a great time running around in the field.

The highlight of the week was our field trip to Old World Wisconsin. It is a wonderful place to visit to develop an understanding of how people lived in the mid to late 1800’s. We cycled through 3 stations at 3 different locations at the museum. So the kids learned about a blacksmith, wagon wheel making, general store, farming, animals, and how people back then would entertain themselves. I’ll share a few pictures here, but jump over to the Gallery tab to see all of them.

The last thing I wanted to share was that our third graders are working on a service learning project. We asked them to figure out what to do with our lettuce that we grew in our garden beds. They came up with donating it to a food pantry and as luck would have it Mrs. Krissek’s husband works at one every week. So the kids wrote a letter to Mr. Krissek and asked if his pantry could take the lettuce and if so, how should we package it. Mr. Krissek was so touched by the kids letter that he came in personally on Friday and answered all of the kids questions. As a result we will be harvesting lettuce next week and bagging it up to give to the food pantry. They in turn will either provide it to people who visit the pantry or they will use it in a salad for their weekly free meal they provide to the hungry. Either way our lettuce is going to a great place! What was even better was when Mr. Krissek told the kids of other things the pantry can really use, one thing he mentioned was toilet paper. The kids jumped on the chance to collect toilet paper for the pantry. So staring March 22, they will be collecting toilet paper donations at the school and will giving it to the pantry. They are so excited. So if you have and extra pack of toilet paper or you can pick one up at the store we will make sure it gets to the pantry. Feel free to send it in this week, although we are not officially starting until next, we will start a pile.

Lastly, Friday was so nice and due to meetings and other activities Mrs.Germata and I each found ourselves with a class and a half for lunch. So we quickly decided that a picnic lunch was in order. I think everyone enjoyed themselves and we will likely do it numerous times before the end of the school year.

That is it for this week. We are quickly running out of weeks, but we still have a bit of school left. Enjoy your week!

~ Mrs. Steinbeck