Happy Long Weekend to You All!
We had another fun and education filled week in Ms. Hahn’s class this week. I didn’t take as many pictures this week as I usually do, but please enjoy the ones I did get.
Reading class has found the group racing to finish Pachelot. Many have already completed it, but a few will find out how it ends early next week. Everyone has been so excited to read and share their understanding of the book. We’ve been doing a “book club” circle every other day or so and that has been really encouraging to see the comprehension.
As I mentioned last week, we had quite a few kids who get to take over my desk for a subject. This week Grace was in charge and she seemed to fit it nicely!
PE was great this week. We actually took it outside on Tuesday due to the PBIS Winter Celebration in the gym. Luckily it’s been warming up so by the time they were done they were very warm.
The kids are traveling to Oregon in wagon trains in social studies. It has been fun to watch them work together. Sometimes they get to move forward along the trail and the next thing they get stuck because they didn’t bring enough water or firewood for the trail. Sometimes it is just a flip of a coin that determines how far they get to travel and other times it is a decision they make based on a scenario that is presented to them. There have been screams of joy and shouts of agony in the classroom during social studies!
Tuesday was Valentine’s Day and we had a great party. Thank you so much for all the nice Valentine’s Day cards, candy, and gifts. Thank you to all of the parents who organized the party, sent supplies or food in, and those who came in to help out. The kids all had a great time.
Math has seen a lot of work with fractions. We have been doing a lot of hands on activities and utilizing white boards.
The kids all enjoyed the PBIS Celebration which was a bouncy house, inflatable obstacle course, balloon volleyball, and scooters. It was nice that the teachers got to sit and relax for a few minutes with a coffee bar too!
Enjoy your long weekend!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck