Well, thank goodness that last week was Earth Week and not this week. The weather left something to be desired this week with the cold and rainy conditions. I know I didn’t enjoy myself outside like I normally do. Hopefully we get some warmer temperatures in here soon.
So what did we do this week? We concluded our decimal unit in math with a math test, started writing poetry, took the 3 final PARCC tests (yes!), continued our unit on Lewis and Clark with this weeks focus on navigating a map, 3/4 Math Night, and we kicked off ABC countdown. Back to the maps for a moment, I would highly recommend that you pull out an old map and help your child read it. Pay particular attention to distances between two locations. Your kids should know how to create a little tool to measure this distance out of a notecard.
This week was Farm to Table too. Because our schedule is a little different on those days, I let the kids have recess in front of the gym instead of the playground or market square. They actually seem to enjoy this a great deal.
On Thursday we kicked off the ABC countdown to the end of the year. For “A” we had appreciation day. So we all had a paper on our back and we wrote appreciations on one another, which was very nice. The kindergarten book buddies also came down with nice notes for the 4th graders to thank them for being book buddies this year. It was so wonderful to see how responsible our kids are with these younger students.
Friday we went outside for Phenology. It was really cold, but the kids stayed out writing and drawing in their journals. Spring seems to be rather slow in arriving, but they all had something new to draw.
Culminating Projects (CP) are the big projects that 8th graders do in order to graduate from PCCS. They are usually done in pairs and take between 18 – 24 months to complete. Each project has to have some positive impact. On Thursday, the fourth graders got to walk around while the 8th graders presented their projects. Quite a few of the 8th graders are siblings of our students, former students of Ms. Hahn’s, and my own son. Our kids were fascinated by these projects and asked great questions and showed great respect. Afterwards I talked to them about the projects and the 4th graders already have ideas for what they want to do with their projects.
Only a few weeks left of school, but we still have a lot to do. Photos will be up again next week. Speaking of which, if you want any photos from this year feel free to download them to your computer. It is likely that I will have Mr. Coonan remove all of these pictures from our webpage for the next school year. They will, of course, be saved so that when the kids are in 8th grade you can use them for a memory book or graduation slideshow.
Have a great week!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck