Another week has come and gone, they are really going fast now. We have entered meteorological spring and looking at next weeks temperatures it seems about right. This will mean very muddy conditions on the school yard. When it is that muddy the kids won’t be allowed on the grassy areas, only on Market Square, but really they have fun wherever they play. Administration and maintenance like to give the grass a fighting chance on coming in full and green.
This week started with a sports highlight and ended with a sports highlight. In PE class they have been playing floor hockey, which almost everyone seems to love. We did have a few minor injuries, but I can assure you nothing was done on purpose, it’s just the nature of the game.
On Friday, we got to watch the girls basketball team take on the women staff members (I would have played, but I forgot my gym shoes and only had big winter boots). While I was cheering loudly for my colleagues, the kids were all rooting on their peers. It was kind of a lopsided game in which the younger generation dominated with a final score of 18-0 (or something close to it). But it was fun to watch and I look forward to watching the girls in our class play in the game one day (I’ll probably forget my gym shoes that day too!).
We concluded our very fun social studies unit on Colonial America this week. The kids were so interested in this topic. I would encourage any of you heading out east for a vacation this spring break or summer to stop by Jamestown or Colonial Williamsburg, I’m sure your student would love it.
We had a Green Assembly on Tuesday in which the topic was water conservation. Ask your child what ways they came up with for using less water, they all had great ideas.
In Music class the fourth graders are playing recorders. I have to stay in the room during music, so that’s all I’m going to say about that!
Finally, the kids have fun in a variety of ways, whether it be playing with their food or having fun in the snow. It’s a great group to be around and we are smiling all the time.
Have a great week and always if you see a photo you like feel free to download it or ask me for a higher resolution version and I would be happy to send it to you!
~ Mrs. Steinbeck