Dear parents,
I hope everyone is enjoying a nice three day weekend. I wanted to send you a quick email about the week ahead. There are a lot of things happening next week. Please remind your child to clean out his/her backpack daily. We will be sending more items home with your child. Next week your child only needs to bring the assignment notebook and not a binder.
Monday- No School
Tuesday- Lewis and Clark Emersion Day 8:15-12:15
Lunch about 12:15 and recess after
Your child will be outside most of the day. Please dress for the weather.
Wednesday- Last Book buddies,
Farm to Table Lunch at 11:50
Last Spanish class- It is recommended to keep the Spanish journal for 5th grade.
Thursday- Last art class
Graduation Practice 9:00-9:45
3rd and 4th grade picnic and games 10:00 to about 1:00
Friday- PBIS celebration 10:45-12:45
Early Release
Ms. Hahn