Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
June 2, 2019
Field Day is Monday morning. Please have your child wear blue and dress for the weather. It is important for the students to have a water bottle and outdoor shoes.
Tuesday our class will have an ice cream party for earning over 6,000 Hawk’s Tickets this year. We will be providing ice cream sandwiches and toppings. Please have your child bring a bowl.
In math the students the student worked on elapsed time and graphing. The students graphed the weather in Moscow, Russia. We should have time next week to finish these graphs. Over the summer, encourage your child to do math games and problems to keep his/her skills sharp.
During reading the students enjoyed time to read to self and a partner. On Friday the students read a lot of books on Epic. Over the summer, Epic has a sale for at home access, 3 months for $3. Please see the attached flyer.
In science the graphed the weather in Sydney, Australia using the computers. We are in the process of making a double bar graph for the weather in Moscow, Russia. The students were surprised to see how the weather is so different in different parts of the world.
On Thursday we all enjoyed going to The Grove in Glenview. In the morning the students got to be students in 1864. They wrote with quills and on slates. Students got to play with wooden toys at recess. In the afternoon, they learned more about home life in a log cabin. The student used very large Lincoln Logs to start building a cabin. Children got to grind corn, sweep, do pretend laundry, get water from a pretend well, and beat a rug. I would encourage all families to visit there over the summer.
Please have your child bring an extra bag to school. We will be sending home things most days. Extra school supplies were sent home. We did not use them this school year, but you can save them for next school year. Please remind your child to empty his/her backpack daily.
On the last day of school, please send your child with a lunch or big snack. The school is providing an ice cream treat, but no other food.
Illinois State Beach Park
Wednesday, June 5th
Finally, to cap off the year and the Earthkeeper’s unit to acquire the “S” key, all the classes together will go to Illinois State Beach Park in Zion on Wednesday, June 5th all day. On this fun-filled day, the students will receive their final key, the “S” key if they completed the requirements of the Earthkeeper’s unit.
All 3rd/4th grade homerooms are leaving at 8:30am and returning at 3pm. Please pack a nut-free and trash free lunch, water bottle, and snack. Students should dress for the weather.
Upcoming Events
- 6/3 Field Day
- 6/4 Field Trip Illinois State Beach Park
- 6/7 Early release, last day of school