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Earthkeepers Y Key

Name ________________________


Parent Information Letter for Y Earthkeepers Key


Dear parents,


As one of our Earthkeepers experiences, your child will complete the requirements for the Y key.  It is very important that:


  1. Your child turns in the work by the deadline.
  2. Your child does NOT lose this contract
  3. Your child does NOT lose the yellow Earthkeepers book.


A child can’t be awarded a key if he has not successfully completed the work and/or loses assignments.  This has happened and children have not received their keys.


We ask that parents help their child keep track of these assignments.  We understand that these assignments takes your time and effort also.  We appreciate your help and partnership in helping your child earn the Y Earthkeeper key.


Your child’s teacher will remind your child of upcoming due dates and answer questions about the assignments.  There will be reminders in the newsletters and the assignment notebooks.


Thank you,


The 3rd and 4th grade teachers

Mrs. McGovern, Ms. Hahn, Ms. DePaz, and Mrs. Gehrig



Name _____________________ Today’s Date ___________________


Due Date_____________________



Earthkeepers Tasks for Y Key


There will be reminders in the classroom newsletters and in assignment notebooks.  However, no class time will be given to complete the Y key


As you complete each item, check it off.


Y Key is for Yourself


  • Read page 26 in your yellow Earthkeepers book.


Lessening Impact (p. 27)


  • Choose one way of using less energy.  

Write it below and on page 27 in your yellow book.


  1. _______________________________________


  • Choose one way of using fewer materials.

Write it below and on page 27 in your yellow book.


  1. _______________________________________


  • Write these both on page 34 in your yellow book.


To Do at Home


  • Daily Log: Use the log sheets to keep track of your energy and materials actions.


  • Reflection paragraphs (2+ paragraphs)
    • 1 paragraph about energy actions
      • Include a summary, feelings, thoughts, and/or why you choose this task.
      • Write neatly on notebook paper and attach to the logs.
    • 1 paragraph about material actions
      • Include a summary, feelings, thoughts, and/or why you choose this task.
      • Write neatly on notebook paper and attach to the logs.



Deepening Feelings (p. 28)


Your Experiences and Thoughts: Choose ONE way of gaining new feelings and remembering your feelings.

  1. Magic Spot at home once a week for a month.  Each quiet spot should be about 30 minutes.  If it cold outside, you can go outside for a short time and journal inside.  Use notebook paper or a notebook to write detailed entries and pictures.  You can write poems, stories, feeling, and/or descriptions.
  2. Explore a new natural area for at least two hours.  (You can visit more than once or go to two places to in nature for 2 hours.)  Write and draw colorful pictures about your experience.  3rd graders should have about 1 page of writing and 4th graders should have about 2 pages of writing.  
  3. Visit a nature center, visitor center, or nature museum for two hours or visit more than one place for a total of 2 hours.  Write and draw colorful pictures about your experience.  3rd graders should have about 1 page of writing and 4th graders should have about 2 pages of writing.  


I choose to do number ___________.


  • Write your choice on page 34.  Space number 1 is magic spot, natural area, or nature center.  Space number 2 is journal or paper and pictures.


To Do at Home


  • I spent two hours outside or at a nature center.
  • I wrote my paper or wrote in my journal about my time in nature.


Teacher Check In

Number 1 _________________________________________________________


Number 2 _________________________________________________________


Number 3 _________________________________________________________



  • I turned in this paper and all my work by ________________________.




Name ______________________ Date Started Log___________________

Earthkeepers Task Log Sheet



  1. Describe your action in the top box of each column
  2. Write the dates down in the first column.
  3. Keep the log for two weeks.
  4. Write a comment beside the date for each day that you have completed both your energy and materials action.
    1. Examples- Remembered to turn off my bedroom lights.

-Asked parents to buy big container of yogurt for my lunches.

  • Only watched TV for 30 minutes.
  • Took a 5 minute shower.


Dates Energy Action Materials Action


Nature Centers


  1. Round Lake Prairie Grass Museum,

860 Hart Road, Round Lake, IL 60073

Phone: 847-740-9823

Nature Museum Hours of Operation

  • Tuesdays – Thursdays: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
  • Saturdays: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
  1. Volo Bog Nature,

28478 W. Brandenburg Road, Ingleside, IL 60041 Phone 815.344.1294

The Visitor Center is open Wednesday – Sunday, 9am – 3 pm as staff and volunteers are available.


  1. Moriane Hills State Park,

1510 S. River Road, McHenry, IL 60051



  1. Lake County Discovery Museum,

Regular gallery hours are Monday–Saturday, 10 am–4:30 pm and Sunday, 1 pm–4:30 pm.

  • Admission is $6 for adults, $2.50 for youth ages 4–17, $3 for students ages 18–25 and seniors ages 62 and up, and free for children three years and under.
  • Discount Tuesdays: adults $3, ages 4–17 (up to five children per adult) FREE, $1.25 per child for groups with five to 10 children per adult.
  • Museum members enjoy free daily admission.
  • Download a coupon: Save $1 per person on admission.
  • Open daily except for New Year’s, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
  • Parking is free.


  1. Bonner Heritage Farm,
  2. Chicago Botanic Garden,
  3. Pringle Nature Center,  9800 160th Avenue, Bristol, WI 5310, Phone 262.857.8008
  4. Chicago Nature Museum,
  5. Stillman Nature Center, ,

33 W Penny Rd, South Barrington, IL

  1. Wildlife Discovery Center,

Tues/Fri/Sat/Sun from 10:00 am -4:00 pm.  Closed on major holidays and the second weekend in October and the second Sunday of March.


Check for discounted museum fees at