Good afternoon,
I hope that you all had a great February! Today is the end of the second trimester which means report cards will be coming out next week. Due to today being the end of the trimester powerschool will not be visible to parents until next week.
Conferences are just around the corner! Conferences are on March 9th and 10th and the sign up sheet will be coming out next week.
The weather can be unpredictable at this time of year so make sure that your students are bringing cold weather clothing with them to school still. This includes: jackets, hats, and gloves.
Our field trip to Botanical Gardens is next Wednesday, March 1st. We will be leaving PCCS at 8:30 am so please have your student here on time that day. We we not be returning to school until 2:30. Please make sure they dress for the weather since we will be outside often during this field trip and they need to bring non microwavable and nut free lunch.
The 5th and 6th grade camping trip will be coming up soon. Please be on the lookout for camping information that may be coming your way.
If there are any questions, comments, or concerns please email either Mr. Barber or Miss. Breitenfield.