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Oct. 1 Newsletter

Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter 

October 1, 2023




In math, students finished Unit 1 and have now begun Unit 2. Unit 2 is also about multiplication and division, but with larger numbers. It is important that students know their multiplication facts to be able to solve larger problems quickly. I have attached a family newsletter about Unit 2. 




During reading class, the students learned about allusions. They also learned that character traits are shown by feelings, actions, speech, and thoughts. They are currently reading a variety of Greek myths during reading groups. The students have listened to various books tied to our economics unit including Uncle Jed’s Barbershop and Lemonade in Winter. They also listened to books with a theme of friendship and figuring out who you are.




The students finished a short story. They worked on adding details, paragraphs, and dialog. All students used a plot organization chart so they had a good beginning, middle, and end to their stories. Students also wrote a short ad for an unsellable product. Now they are beginning an opinion essay. We will continue to work on these essays this week.


Social Studies and EE


In social studies, the students learned about advertising. They created commercials for ice cream and then cereal. Students learned different advertising techniques. As part of our economics unit, the students are working on starting a business selling a product made with lavender buds. The students were excited to work with Ms. Becker’s students to research for the business. 


During our Environmental Education (EE) time, we have had time for phenology and quiet spots.


Common Sense Media


On Monday the students had a lesson about the use of media. We talked about how to make healthy choices about media choices and the amount of time spent on different activities. I have attached a few documents to the newsletter about media.






I welcome volunteers in the classroom. Please just fill out the necessary paperwork with the office to come. 

Time Subject
8:20-9:00 Reading
10:35-11:15  Writing (M, T, W, and F)
10:30-11:15 Thursdays EE
11:15-12:15 Recess, Lunch
1:00-2:15  Math
2:30-3:15 Social Studies or Science


Upcoming Events


  • Thursday, October 5, 2023-Early Release-Staff In-service
  • Friday, October 6, 2023-No School-Staff In-service
  • Monday, October 9, 2023-No School
  • Tuesday, October 10, 2023-PICTURE MAKEUP DAY
  • Sunday, October 15, 2023-PSO Fall Festival