Ms. Hahn’s Newsletter
March 6, 2023
The students are doing well in Unit 5 about multiplication and division. They are learning to solve and write story problems involving division and multiplication. They have learned about fact families and used that knowledge to solve problems. Students solve problems by drawing pictures, skip counting, knowing their facts, or using known problems. We will be taking our Unit 5 test soon.
Reading and Writing
Reading groups have continued, and we have done a lot of writing about their books. The students spent time doing guided IAR practice tests. They also heard a variety of books including Deep in the Sahara and Sky Sisters.
During writing the students spent time writing an opinion essay about why people should be kind. They read two different articles about kindness and used that information in their writing. This coming week we will work on writing about two different stories.
Social Studies
During social studies, the students are learning about how Illinois became a state. The are learning about life traveling west in a wagon and life on the frontier. We will continue to learn about Pioneer life next week.
New spelling sorts are given every Friday. Please have your child bring the spelling to school every day. Students will continue to have spelling sorts this coming week.
Remind App and Communication
If you still need to sign up for Remind, use this link. I often see these messages faster than an email.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 13 – Wednesday, March 15, IAR Testing 3rd-8th
- Thursday, March 16 and Friday, March 17, 2023 – Early Release-Conferences
- Tuesday, March 21 – Wednesday, March 22 – IAR Testing 3rd-8th
Picture Link
Please check out our pictures. Class Pictures